terça-feira, 1 de março de 2011


This will be my first post so I'll do a brief introduction to what this blog will be all bout. I created this blog with the idea to post a little off my work since I am currently studying Computer and Informatics Engineering in ISEL( Engineering of Lisbon Superior Institute ). I will post random works and posts about what I am currently studying in my degree so you may see an awkward discrepancy between posts.

Having said this I will begin to introduce the the first software. This is the "Bomberman", a game that many of you may have heard, that was asked for us to develop as the last project of the class "Oriented-Object Programming". Notice that it is a development for a class so it definitely has it's bugs and glitches, and any feedback is welcomed.

At last I want to thank Marcos Lamuria and Bruno Oliveira for taking part in the development of this software and for letting me post it on the web.

You can do the download in this link(vb Bomberman).

To run use "cd c:\....\ src" in the windows command line and then write "java InitWindow".
This should do the trick.

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